jueves, 17 de junio de 2010

How To Open Warcraft 3 Screenshots

Warcraft 3 and other Blizzard games have automated screenshot saver, this means if you press "Print Screen" key on your keyboard you don't need to minimize open paint (or other tool) and save screenshot.

Game will save image in screenshots folder located in game directory.

Problem in Warcraft 3 is that it saves screenshots in .TGA format.
Windows (paint and image viewer) have not support for .TGA files so you need to install new tool (like Photoshop) to view this screenshots, this mean buying tool $$  :(

Best way it to covert .TGA to .JPG

Best tool for this is Converts Shots.

This tool allows you to convert .TGA files to .JPG files.

It is very simple to use, after downloading it copy it to screenshots folder in Warcraft 3 directory.

To start converting files just start it.
If will find all .TGA files in folder. You can choose delete all .TGA files after converting and to adjust image brightness.

Click start to start converting and wait until it done.

Now you have all screenshot from Warcraft 3 in .JPG format and you can share them.

viernes, 11 de junio de 2010

Dota 6.67b AI ver.06/11/2010 Map Released - Download and Changelogs

After his first release Harekke released new version of DotA AI map.

This version come with some bug fixes including Spirit Breaker's Charge of Darkness that causes target suicide and then becomes invulnerable (zombie :P).


Dota 6.67b AI ver.06/11/2010
Bugs fixed:
- Spirit Breaker's Charge of Darkness causes target suicide and then becomes invulnerable.
- Sacred Warrior's Inner Vitality heals instantly .

- Double Click Scroll of Town Portal doesn't go back to fountain.
- Puck's Aghanism doesn't work.
- Goblin Techies doesn't gain XP when kill emey heroes by Land Mines or Remote Mines.
- Other slightly errors.